Innovative Separations R&D Needs for Advanced Fuel Cycles

WHEN Aug 30 - Sept 1, 2021
WHERE Zoom Workshop

Workshop Overview

The purpose of this workshop is to identify science-based, technology-driven R&D opportunities for innovative separations that will be needed in the development of advanced nuclear-fuel-cycle options. Discussions will strive to set corresponding priority research directions that address key fuel-cycle technical challenges. Free exchange of ideas will stimulate creativity in generating new separation concepts with corresponding approaches, methods, and outcomes. In addition to outlining a new research agenda, the workshop thus seeks to energize the research community and secure the needed workforce of talented early-career researchers who will take the next bold steps. The product of the workshop will be a report that will serve as a resource for the Fuel Cycle R&D program in the Office of Nuclear Energy to set programmatic priorities.

The workshop starts in advance of the meeting through the submission of one-page white papers following a simple template that is downloaded on registration or from the "UPLOAD WHITE PAPER" tab. All attendees may submit one or more. The white papers form the body of the material for discussion during the workshop as converted to a single PowerPoint slide that each attendee will prepare and present in an assigned panel session.

The workshop will focus on nuclear fuel recycling technologies. Three separate panels will cover generic categories of separations as follows:

Some proposed separative concepts may relate to more than one generic separations category and will be incorporated into the discussions as may be most productive. Cross-cutting topics of importance across all separations categories include computational modeling and simulation, supercritical fluids, ionic liquids, membranes, molecular recognition, and field-based separations.

The workshop itself will take place over three half-days, consisting of plenary presentations and breakout sessions. The first day will allow for presentation of white papers and their merits, refraining from evaluation. The second day aims to categorize and evaluate the concepts presented according to the separations needs of nuclear fuel recycle. The third day aims to distill the concepts to a set of priority research directions.

We welcome you virtually to the workshop!